No Bashaw .org



Say NO to Curtis Bashaw

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For New Jersey voters, the 2024 US Sentate race is a no win scenario, especially for conservatives and those with sincerely held moral convictions.  Many GOP voters will cast a vote for all Republican candidates, out of loyalty to the party and a sense of trust in GOP candidates.  Some will vote for the perceived "lesser of two evils" candidate, Curtis Bashaw.  Sadly, many of these voters are unaware of the reasons why a vote cast for Mr. Bashaw will prove to be a huge disappointment for them. Consider our arguments for rejecting the GOP candidate, Curtis Bashaw.


Reasons we do NOT want Curtis Bashaw elected as New Jersey's US Senator


News Sources

The Patriot Post

The New American

The Epoch Times

One America News

Press Release Voicing Outrage Over Bashaw
Bashaw's recent debate performance has angered and disgusted Republicans in the state. America First Republicans of NJ speaks frankly in their press release of Oct. 7, 2024.
Read the press release here


Bashaw's Chinese Connections
Bashaw cites the corruption of Senator Menendez, yet he partnered with a state-owned Chinese corporation. Haven't we had enough of risky Communist Chinese connections among our elected leaders?
Read about it here


Bashaw's Democratic Donation History
Bashaw promotes himself as a lifelong Republican who deplores the Biden administration and the radicalization of the Democratic Party. Yet, he has a history of donating to Democratic and other non-GOP causes and candidates. This qualifies him to be a bona fide RINO at best: Republican In Name Only.
Read about it here | See his donation history here


Bashaw's Abortion Position
Bashaw hides behind individual liberty to conceal his abortion position that it's OK to kill your child, so long as it's safe, legal, and rare.
Meet the Candidates video clip


Bashaw's Foreign Policy
Bashaw believes we have an obligation to be involved in foreign wars and entanglements, giving aid to foreign governments, etc., so we can stand by our friends and allies.
Meet the Candidates video clip


Bashaw's Immoral Lifestyle
Bashaw openly boasts being a gay man married to another man. Video clips from a Meet the Candidates program and from his Primary evening victory speech attest to this.
Meet the Candidates video clip
What's wrong with homosexuality?


Who Can We Vote For, Then?
If I'm a GOP voter, or conservative, or of seriously held moral convictions, what can I do about the US Senate race?
Read our Appeal and recommendation


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© Copyright 2024 - NJ Outraged Voters

Updated 10/07/2024